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1 week ago

Lincoln County School District #2
LCSD2 School Board Meeting for September 11 2024 See MoreSee Less
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On 9/11 we want to remember the innocent victims and the heroes from all walks of life that day. We thank our current first responders, veterans, and military protecting our values today. With Gratitude,Lincoln County School District #2 See MoreSee Less
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Route number 10 Bunny in the North Thayne/Plat 5/Cedar Creek road area is running late this morning due to road construction. ... See MoreSee Less
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We appreciate the support of law enforcement and road construction and maintenance crews. Thank you!🚌 Just a reminder... school is starting! Obey the bus flashing reds or we’ll give you the blues. 🚌 #school #bus #schoolbussafety #redlightviolations #school #is #starting #schoolisstartingagain ... See MoreSee Less
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⚠️ Yellow lights⚠️️ on a school bus indicate the bus is preparing to stop. 🛑 Red lights 🛑 on a school bus means to STOP. ... See MoreSee Less
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