“Our instructional framework and PLC rubric align to create a focus on effective instructional methods.  We use the Marzano iObservation tool based on the Marzano Instructional framework to guide, support, and evaluate teachers’ use and implementation of multiple domains of performance and practice.  Several elements within the domains align with practices deemed highly effective by John Hattie and his work in Visible Learning as well as his ongoing research.  Questions 3 (What will we do if they don’t know or didn’t learn?) and Question 4 (What if they already know it?) give us opportunities to use these methods, but we employ them wholeheartedly with our initial tier I instruction as well.  From ensuring students have a clear understanding of the learning goal, to understanding their current learning relative to the overall goals of the unit via tracking to highly engaging practices teachers are always looking to secure mastery of our content standards.    Rigor and depth of understanding are facilitated through things like conferring and open-ended tasks that have real world connections.  Relationships are not just something we value highly in LCSD#2, but are also a means to an end as they serve as a catalyst for the will and thrill of learning.  We are fortunate to have robust technology in the hands of teachers and students that enables them to consume and produce information and ignite thinking.”

–Mr. Keith Klein, Principal – Etna Elementary School