Lincoln County School District #2 continues participating in the Wyoming Prevention Needs Assessment.


The Prevention Needs Assessment survey is sponsored by the Wyoming Department of Health and facilitated by the Wyoming Survey & Analysis Center at the University of Wyoming. It is administered to grades 6, 8, 10, and 12 every two years.

The students who participate will be asked about their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Some of the questions ask about sensitive subjects, including substance use and mental health concerns.

The survey gathers information used to plan and evaluate programs addressing alcohol use, drug use, and other problem behaviors.

A hard copy of the Questionnaire is available at the school administering PNA for parent/guardian review.


Your child will be free to stop completing the survey anytime.

Refusing to participate or withdrawing from the survey will not affect your child’s school grade or class standing.

If you or your child does not want to participate, your child can read or do some other activity while his or her classmates complete the survey.

Like many opinion polls, all results from the study will be presented only about groups. No individual data will be reported. Only the researchers will have access to the data. The surveys will be stored in a locked storage room, and electronic data will be kept on secure computers.