You have 30 days from the start of school to provide a copy of the required and mandatory immunizations.
If required documentation is not received within 30 calendar days of entry, administrators must exclude the child from attending school.
A hard copy can be brought to the school and photocopied or a copy can be emailed to your school’s secretary. For contact information/ address info, please see your school’s website under the SCHOOLS drop down menu at the top of the page.
Another great time to turn in immunization records and any other required documents is during your school’s Kindergarten Registration night. Information on this is located HERE.
Please see our Student Health Services – Immunization site HERE to download the immunization exemption application(s). This form will need to be submitted to and approved by the state. Once the state approves, please provide the form and any other documentation from the state to your school.
More information on this can be found in the Wyoming Immunization FAQs below.