In Lincoln County School District #2, a continuum of learning supports are available K through 12 for all learners: students with disabilities, other at-risk students, english language learners, high level learners and gifted learners.

Through LCSD2’s collaborative culture our PLC teams, and other school based teams work within  systems to collect ongoing data, assemble that data, and respond to the data through our MTSS/RTI, PBIS and other problem solving structures to identify and respond to the current learning needs of all students.

The teams, data, services, and supports are used to look at responding to the well rounded needs of all students along a continuum of needs: Academic, cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioral. 

School based teams build positive relationships with parents and students to involve them in the process of understanding current levels of performance, and identifying the appropriate course of intervention, enrichment, and programming to meet the needs of all students, and as needed, develop individual learning plans.  

In addition to interventions, our teams collaborate to provide enrichment and extended learning within the curriculum and daily instruction as well as after-school and out-of-school opportunities. Our gifted coordinator provides instruction to those students identified as gifted and includes students identified as demonstrating readiness for extended learning. Our gifted coordinator collaborates with teachers across the district to focus on differentiated instruction through depth and complexity.

No individual, team, or service works in isolation. Through the PLC model, professionals from special education, english language supports, and gifted all work collaboratively to problem solve for all students to meet their appropriate learning challenge level.

12.(a) Multi-Tiered Supports

12.(c) District Special Education